Wednesday, April 15, 2009

its been a while since i remembered that i do own a blog. recently, im trying to be very relaxed and free despite the busy schedule. it sounds kinda conflicting but yea, its quite nice to try to relax (sleep a whole lot, play games) IN a busy schedule (moving house, graduation preparation, part-time job).

im going to osaka in june to report my 2 year life here to my sponsors. to do that, i have to submit a report and do a ppt. its a really good time to do a reflection on these two years, and oh my, they have certainly be one of the best two years in my life (with some of the most ups and downs).

coming to japan is like trying to start out everything from the scratch by myself. from applying to the school/visa issues to coming here alone, not knowing a single sole around, establishing my presence and creating my space. for once i felt more independent than ever, but at the same time i feel more reliant than ever.

so 2 years are gone and this would mark the end of my studying life (at least for the moment). wow, since born, i spent 24 years studying - preparing myself to survive in the social world. if i do work for another 24 years, i would be almost 50!!! if I plan to die at 60 or 75, 1/3 of my life is well gone.

anyway, looking back at the goals that i set two years ago... i think i did achieve some of them. i managed to...
1. lose 6 kg.
2. read a lot of books.
3. study a lot and gain real knowledge
4. increase my patience and tolerance and hence
5. be a slightly better person
6. achieve recognition
7. found a pretty decent internship and then job
8. travel a little bit (only to taiwan so far.. need to work on this)
9. went to Dartmouth
10. met up with some friends (mun came to HK and kev came to NH)
11. can conduct any simple conversation in basic japanese
12. made friends and be happy

some things i didn't manage to achieve:
1. stay calm always
2. be more independent
3. pass one of the exams
4. improve in my business japanese
5. stay more active within the school community
6. visit singapore once before graduation
7. have more parties
8. exercise
9. be more disiplined
10. improve english and chinese

ok. ends here. need to study for tax class since the professor hates me.